Students from other countries have different ways of accessing the studies offered by the University of Oviedo. The academic institution has more than 1,000 mobility agreements that allow the exchange of students and collaboration between universities. Undergraduate studies have specific access requirements for foreign students, although postgraduate studies are governed by the general access rules.
To encourage the recruitment of talent, the University of Oviedo has strengthened its international relations with the best higher education centres in the world. The classrooms of the Asturian academic institution incorporate more than a thousand international students every year.
Students interested in studying at the University of Oviedo have a wide variety of access modalities, whether to begin a degree, postgraduate or doctorate programme, or to apply for a mobility programme.
Admission with studies abroad
EU countries or countries with international agreements
Students from the European Union (EU), from countries with international agreements (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra, China and Colombia), with a European or International Baccalaureate diploma can access Spanish universities, without the need to take the entrance exam (EBAU), as long as they meet the academic requirements of their educational systems to access their universities.
They must carry out the following procedures:
Apply for the credential issued by the UNED for access to Spanish universities online. The credential grants the right of access to the Spanish university and will be valid, for the purposes of admission and enrolment, for 2 years from its issue.
These students will be able to improve their admission mark by taking the Specific Competence Tests (PCE) carried out by the UNED (Open University) or the admission phase at the Spanish university of their choice. Also considered for the calculation of the admission mark will be the marks of subjects from the final external assessment carried out to obtain the degree or diploma that gives access to the University in their educational system of origin, in accordance with the marks obtained in the subjects in the accreditation of the UNED or equivalent competent body.
Then, they will be able to apply for a place in undergraduate university studies (pre-enrolment) as a step prior to admission and enrolment.
Documentation to apply for a place:
- National ID card, passport, or identity card from the country of origin (copy).
- Credential issued by the UNED
- If you have taken the admission phase of the EBAU: transcript of grades (certified copy).
Non-EU countries or countries without international agreements
EU students who do not meet access requirements in their country or who come from other educational systems of non-EU member states with which international agreements have not been signed, with studies that can be recognised as equivalent to the Spanish baccalaureate degree, must carry out the following procedures:
a) Apply for the homologation of the baccalaureate diploma.
- Applications for homologation can be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training if you are already in Spain or to the Spanish embassies and consulates in your country of origin. In Asturias the place of presentation is:
Government Delegation
Área Funcional de Alta Inspección de Educación
Plaza de España, 6 33071 Oviedo
Telephone: 984 76 91 74
- You can then apply for a place in undergraduate university studies (pre-enrolment) as a step prior to admission and enrolment. Admission will be conditional on there being vacancies after the awarding of places in the ordinary and extraordinary calls, so they will not appear on the lists published in the ordinary phase (Phase A).
- Documentation to apply:
- National ID card, passport or identity card from the country of origin (copy).
- Credential of homologation of the Spanish Baccalaureate (after 8 June 2014) or conditional enrolment form (with the form you will participate with a mark of 5).
b) These students can improve their admission mark by taking the access phase (compulsory) and, if applicable, the admission phase (voluntary) of the EBAU at the University of Oviedo, or at the Spanish university of their choice. The University of Oviedo admits the Tests of Specific Competence (PCE) carried out by the UNED, provided that the assessment has been carried out in accordance with the regulations governing the EBAU (RD 310/2016, de 29 de julio y EBAU (RD 310/2016, of 29 July and Order PCM/2/2021, of 11 January) consisting of taking the following subjects:
- All the general subjects of the block of core subjects: History of Spain, Spanish Language and Literature and Language (choosing between English and French).
- One core subject of modality: choosing between Mathematics, Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences, Latin or Fundamentals of Art.
- Optionally: a maximum of two core subjects of option.
- You can then apply for a place on a university degree course (pre-enrolment) as a step prior to admission and enrolment.
- Documentation to apply for a place:
- ID card, passport, or identity card from country of origin (copy).
- Certificate of marks of the EBAU (certified copy) / Accreditation of the UNED.
- Documentation to apply for a place:
- You can then apply for a place on a university degree course (pre-enrolment) as a step prior to admission and enrolment.
Students with recognised foreign qualifications
Students holding foreign qualifications that can be recognised as equivalent to those of Vocational Training Technician, Higher Technician in Plastic Arts and Design or Higher Sports Technician must complete the following procedures:
- Apply for official recognition of the Spanish Higher Vocational Training Technician qualification.
Applications for homologation can be submitted to the Ministry of Education if you are already in Spain or to the Spanish embassies and consulates in your country of origin. In Asturias the place of presentation is:
Government Delegation
Área Funcional de Alta Inspección de Educación
Plaza de España, 6 33071 Oviedo
Telephone: 984 76 91 74
- These students will be able to improve their admission marks by taking the EBAU admission phase, in the Spanish university of their choice, or the Pruebas de Competencia Específica (PCE) that the UNED carries out.
- Afterwards, they can apply for a place in undergraduate university studies (pre-enrolment) as a step prior to admission and enrolment.
- Documentation to apply for a place:
- National ID card, passport or identity card from the country of origin (copy).
- Credential of homologation of the Spanish Higher Vocational Training Technical Degree.
- If you took the admission phase of the EBAU: Certificate of marks (certified copy) / Accreditation of the UNED.
Students with an official foreign university degree
Those who have completed university studies in a foreign University or Higher Education Centre and wish to study at the University of Oviedo must:
- Depending on the degree, apply for homologation or request the declaration of equivalence to the official Spanish university degree.
- Once the degree has been homologated or declared equivalent, they can apply for a place in undergraduate university studies (pre-enrolment) as a step prior to admission and enrolment. For university graduates there is a quota of 3% of places available for each course.
Documentation to apply:
- Photocopy of your ID card or passport.
- Certified photocopy of the accreditation credential of the higher education degree and, in the event that it does not include the average mark of accreditation, the certified copy, with original stamp in Spanish or bilingual, of the declaration of the average mark of foreign studies issued by the MECD. It will only be valid if it is accompanied by the original official academic certificate or a duly certified photocopy of the same, and if applicable, the corresponding translation, for the purpose of verifying the data provided by the student in his/her application (the application for the recognition of the degree is not valid).
Students with foreign degrees that cannot be recognised
Students with partial university studies completed abroad or with qualifications completed abroad that cannot be recognised by the Ministry of Education may be admitted to studies at the University of Oviedo through the exchange of university studies completed abroad when they meet the following requirements:
- A minimum of 30 ECTS credits must be recognised.
- In addition, other mandatory requirements that may be established after the full implementation of the LOMCE must be verified.
When the studies have concluded with the award of a foreign degree that gives access to a regulated profession, the interested party may choose between applying for recognition of the corresponding official Spanish university degree or a change of university studies, bearing in mind that both possibilities cannot be applied for simultaneously.
Applications failing to meet any of the above requirements must be included in the general admission process.
For undergraduate studies, the Governing Council approves annually, at the proposal of the Vice-Rector's Office for Students and after hearing the dean/director of the faculty or school, an offer of places available through this channel. The call for applications will also determine the deadlines and places for the submission of applications, the documentation that must accompany them and the places where the places will be published.
The University of Oviedo may decide to admit applications for places from students who present exceptional situations and who, fulfilling the established academic requirements, have not obtained a place in the general procedure. Given the exceptional nature of this procedure, the possibility of submitting the application, which shall be addressed to the Vice-Rectorate for Students, shall be considered to be permanently open. For this purpose, additional places may be allocated to those initially proposed.
The awarding of a place gives rise to the transfer of the academic transcript, which is the responsibility of the university of origin.
Students must present the following documentation:
- Signed application form
- Translated and legalised personal academic transcript (non-EU countries): original or certified copy including the subjects passed, the subjects for which recognition is being requested, the number of exam sessions completed and the number of hours of study, as well as the scale used (minimum pass mark and maximum mark).
- Translated and legalised subject syllabuses: originals stamped and signed by the secretary of the centre of origin or certified copy. The syllabus for each subject must be that of the academic year in which the student passed the subject.
- Translated and legalised syllabus
- Academic certification of the course of study that gave the student access to the university.
- Photocopy of ID card or passport.
- The Dean/Director may request additional information.
Legalisation and translation of documents: Requirements for foreign documents
Criteria for ordering applications
For each study programme with an admission limit, applications for admission will be ranked according to the following priority:
- Preference will be given to students from degrees with equivalent content to the training plan they intend to access, as determined by the CTRC of the centre in view of the training plan provided by the student.
- Next, all students coming from other degrees will be placed.
- Within each of the groups, preference will be given to students who have obtained the qualification to access university in a foreign education system, and applications will be ordered by the average mark of the university academic record calculated in accordance with article 5.3 of Royal Decree 1125/2003, of 5 September, which establishes the European credit system and the system of qualifications in official university qualifications valid throughout the national territory, previously transcribing the foreign qualifications into the Spanish system.
Before enrolling, foreign students (non-European Union) who do not have resident status are advised to consult the requirements for the student visa (Royal Decree 557/2011, of 20 April, which approves the Regulations of Organic Law 4/2000, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration, following its reform by Organic Law 2/2009 BOE 30/04/2011).
- Offer of new admission places for undergraduate studies, academic year 2022-2023. Agreement of the Governing Council of 25 February 2022 pending approval by the Principality of Asturias and its publication in the BOPA
- Amount of credit in official studies for non-resident foreign students and visiting students in the academic year 2022-2023.
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