
Transferencia de resultados de investigación (OTRI)

Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI)

The university favours and promotes the transfer of knowledge in its relationship with industry, entrepreneurs, and investors, with the aim of contributing to the national system of innovation and technological development.

Among other initiatives, the University of Oviedo supports the creation of companies arising from the knowledge generated in the Institution itself (spin-offs) to encourage both public institutions and companies to benefit from the advances related to R&D&I. The Research Results Transfer Office (OTRI) is responsible for supporting and coordinating these functions.

The University of Oviedo makes the knowledge generated by its researchers available to the business sector. In this sense, the Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) acts as an interlocutor in the negotiation of licences for the exploitation of patents, utility models and software. Each contract for the licensing of technology or the use of a computer programme is negotiated individually, as various factors have an influence and there are certain particular needs on the part of each company.

Asimismo, la Universidad de Oviedo dispone de un vivero de empresas ubicado en el Edificio Severo Ochoa del Campus de El Cristo, en Oviedo, que acoge spin-offs universitarias y empresas de nueva creación participadas o apoyadas por la universidad y facilita espacios para la ubicación de empresas de base tecnológica en un entorno favorable para su desarrollo. También se ponen a disposición de empresas de nueva creación (especialmente surgidas del ámbito de la Universidad de Oviedo) espacios en otros campus, como el de Barredos en Mieres o el de Gijón (en este caso mediante un convenio con el Ayutnamiento).
