
Career development

Career development

This section includes informative documents on the different career development options for researchers, both within academia and in other sectors:


REBECA mentoring programme: The University of Oviedo collaborated with FECYT in the fourth edition of the “REBECA” mentoring programme. This programme is aimed at mentoring researchers who wish to learn about career development options beyond the scope of academic research.

The “REBECA” programme brings researchers in the early phases of their careers (predoctoral and postdoctoral stages) in contact with professionals from various disciplines dedicated to activities related to research and innovation, such as communication or management, among others.


  • Doctoral conferences of the University of Oviedo: annual activity that usually includes an activity related to career development.​​​​​​​
  • Conference III: ‘Conference on mentoring and researchers mobility in the academic career”
    Date​​​​​​​:  21st of June, 2023​​​​​​​
    • Elisa García García, expert in mentoring and career development from the Projects Office of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), gave the third online seminar that the University of Oviedo dedicated to the HR Excellence in Research award (HRS4R).
