


In this section, the 17 actions included in the Action Plan of the University of Oviedo are as follows:

  • ACTION 1. Create the UniOvi OTM-R policy by updating recruitment procedures to HRS4R and OTM-R criteria.
  • ACTION 2. Provide information on career development options.
  • ACTION 3. Design a pilot mentoring program to support career development for researchers.
  • ACTION 4. Improve the evaluation system for permanent and non-permanent researchers.
  • ACTION 5. Make UniOvi's complaints mechanisms visible.
  • ACTION 6. Promote measures to attract and retain talent.
  • ACTION 7. Write and approve a teleworking norm.
  • ACTION 8. Adopt and customise a manual of good research practices in UniOvi.
  • ACTION 9. Define UniOvi’s publication policy.
  • ACTION 10. Update the manual of prevention of occupational risks.
  • ACTION 11. Support initiatives to protect intellectual property.
  • ACTION 12. Visualise the communication and implementation of the technology transfer (TT) activities from UniOvi.
  • ACTION 13. Improve the performance of supervisors.
  • ACTION 14. Improve the management of research by emphasising the training of researchers.
  • ACTION 15. Update the welcome manual.
  • ACTION 16. Awareness & communication; launch and monitoring of HRS4R and OTM-R.
  • ACTION 17. Implement UniOvi’s internationalization plan.