
Filología Española

Spanish Philology

The Spanish Philology Department is located in the “El Milán” Campus of Humanities. This Department is in charge of coordinating teaching and research in the five areas of knowledge it is composed of: Arabic and Islamic Studies, Spanish Language, General Linguistics, Spanish Literature and Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature.

Datos de contacto
Correo electrónico: dpto.filoesp@uniovi.es
Dirección: Campus del Milán Edificio Departamental, 2ª planta c/ Amparo Pedregal s/n E-33011 Oviedo
Teléfono: 985 10 46 25
Información académica: Academic Information


Mr Ulpiano Lada Ferreras
985 10 46 25 (Secretariat) / 985 10 44 75 (Office)


Ms. María Fernández Ferreiro
985 10 46 25 (Secretariat) / 985 10 46 39 (Office).


  • Arabic and Islamic Studies
  • Spanish Language
  • General Linguistics
  • Spanish Literature
  • Literary Theory and Comparative Literature

Teaching Staff

Teaching centres