
Historia del Arte y Musicología

Art History and Musicology

The Art History and Musicology Department is responsible for teaching and research in the fields of art history and music at the University of Oviedo. It disseminates art and music through the Aulas de música, the Jueves de la Historia del Arte (Art History Thursdays) and the scientific journals edited by its professors.

The History of Art and Musicology Department is made up of two areas of knowledge: History of Art and Music, to which 35 lecturers are currently attached, as well as grant holders and staff contracted for research projects.

Datos de contacto
Correo electrónico: dpto.historiaaym@uniovi.es
Dirección: Campus del Milán. C/ Amparo Pedregal s/n. 33011 - Oviedo
Teléfono: 985 10 44 49
Información académica: Academic Information


Ms. Ana María Fernández García


Mr. Eduardo Viñuela Suárez


  • History of Art
  • Music

Teaching Staff

Teaching centres