La Universidad de Oviedo reúne a expertos internacionales en bandas sonoras
11 December 2012Lecturers from Spanish and foreign universities will deal with the composition process and the aesthetics of music in cinema, advertising,...
Comunicado simultáneo de los Rectores de las Universidades Españolas
10 December 2012The University of Oviedo has joined this initiative, which denounces the cuts in Education and R&D&i
The former Vice President of the European Commission talked about the success of the student exchange program in the UE
Both institutions agreed on the exchange of resources and technology to favour entrepreneurship
Teachers from nine European universities begin in Asturias a joint project for designing resources and contents of subjects in Open Course Ware
Constituido el nuevo Claustro de la Universidad de Oviedo
3 December 2012The order of the day included the election of the Board, who will call the next meeting of the university body
LAUDEO acogió la entrega de premios del II Concurso Literario de la Universidad de Oviedo
30 November 2012During the ceremony,the first edition of El Tango de Penélope and Los tres mil cuentos de Marcelino Tongo were presented
A total of 94 PhD students will present a poster with the contents of their works as part of a collective exhibition
La Facultad de Filosofía y Letras analiza el vínculo entre lenguas minoritarias y la música
28 November 2012The session, which will take place next Friday, is organized in collaboration with the Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and the...