
Movilidad nacional SICUE

National SICUE Mobility

The SICUE Programme, sponsored by the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE), allows students to carry out part of their studies at a university other than their own with guaranteed academic recognition. To participate in this programme, students must meet a series of credit requirements, which vary depending on the course of study.


  • Degree courses.
  • Students carrying out the final degree project.
  • Doctoral studies are excluded from the SICUE mobility programme.

General requirements

  1. To have previously signed the corresponding bilateral agreement with the different universities. See List of Bilateral Agreements 2023-2024
  2. To have passed a minimum of 45 credits in the syllabus for which mobility is requested at the home university and to be enrolled for a further 30 credits. In the case of transfer students, they must have passed the 45 credits in the university to which they are transferring and in which they are applying for mobility.
  3. Under no circumstances may students apply for exchange in subjects previously failed at the centre of origin.

Screening and election of candidates

Candidates will be selected based on their average mark (see section 2.6 of the Sicue regulations), considering the marks obtained during their studies and up to the previous academic year.


  • Application deadline: 13 February to 27 February 2023.
  • SICUE mobility will be applied for by the students electronically (accessing with their Username and Password): https://sies.uniovi.es/movsalinter
  • Students can apply for up to five universities.


  • No documentation is required.

Contact details. SICUE Mobility

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