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Activation of a new course or space on the Virtual Campus of the University


The Virtual Campus incoporates elements like chat, forums, statistics, and tools for the creation and management of contents and activities, for the creation and evaluation of exams, tests and self-assessments activities, etc., allowing teachers to combine both the teaching and the management of their course in the same place.

The Virtual Campus hosts courses for both the First, Second and Third Cycles, as well as for Summer Courses, University Extension, PhDs, Master's Degrees and Specific Degrees of the University of Oviedo. It is also possible to request its use for research projects (or similar programmes) carried out by teachers who need a space for the exchange and management of documents, communication through chat, forums, etc.

Colectivo solicitante

Teaching and Research Staff, and Administrative Staff.


Only the staff of the University of Oviedo can request the activation of a course on the Virtual Campus.

Organismo responsable

Delegado del Rector para la Transformación Digital

Centro de Innovación de la Universidad de Oviedo

Contacto responsable
C/ Gonzalo Gutiérrez Quirós s/n, Campus de Barredo (3ª planta), 33600 Mieres.
985 45 80 91
985 45 80 81
Email Address:

Available throughout the whole Academic Year.

Formas de notificación

An e-mail with the resolution will be sent within two or three days after receiving and assessing the request for the activation of the course.

Formas de solicitar

When a subject with several assigned lecturers is created on the Vitual Campus and in its curriculum, all of them will have access to the course, regardless of whether it had been request by only one or all of them.

Proceso de solicitud

In order to request a course it is necessary to have and know the e-mail address and password provided by the Departments of the University of Oviedo.

Requests can only be made online, via the website of the Virtual Campus. To make the request the following steps must be taken:

  1. Enter the URL of the the Virtual Campus www.campusvirtual.uniovi.es on your browser and select the link" Lecturers: Request activation of a course" that appears on the central part of the screen, under the Virtual Campus acces form.
  2. On the new page, enter the access information —username and password of the University e-mail address— to be able to make the request.
  3. A form will then show all the subjects you teach at the University.
  4. Select that one you would like to activate and send your request. In case you do not find the subject you want to activate, at the end of the form there is another option which allows you to choose different subjects.
  5. If you are unable to make the request via this application, whether because it is not working or because you have issues with its operation, you can send us an e-mail to the User Helpdesk(c1nn@uniovi.es), indicating your personal information and the data of the subject you would like to activate.
Información adicional

When a subject with several assigned lecturers is created on the Vitual Campus and in its curriculum, all of them will have access to the course, regardless of whether it had been request by only one or all of them.