
Personal técnico, de gestión y de administración y servicios

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Publishing House


This service aims to edit, distribute and market the books, theses, session and conference records, journals and other institutional publications by the University of Oviedo.

Colectivo solicitante

Any member of the community of the University.

Organismo responsable

Publishing Service of the University of Oviedo.

Vice-Rector's Office for University Extension and Communication.

Contacto responsable
Publishing Service and Publishing House.
Humanities Campus, Service Building. 33011 Oviedo
985 10 95 04/05/03
Email Address:

These services may be request during teaching hours.


Regulations for the Publishing Service.

Formas de notificación

By post.

Solicitud online
website of the Publishing Service
Formas de solicitar

In order to make the request, those interested must fill in one of the following forms, which are available on the website of the Publishing Service:

  • Request for the edition of a Monograph.
  • Request for the edition of a textbook.
  • Request for the edition of  a textbook and institutional document.
  • Request for the edition of a Journal.
  • Request of edition of a thesis on CD.
  • Request for the Minutes of a Conference or Debate.
  • Athorization. Digital edition of doctoral thesis.
Documentación relacionada

Users of these services are encouraged to read the Regulations for authors on the remittance and presentation of texts to ensure the optimal resolution of their requests.