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Remote access VPN


Through the remote access, it is possible to access the electronic services and resources —journals, databases, etc— located on the online network of the University of Oviedo.

Colectivo solicitante

The service is available for all acredited members of the University of Oviedo.


To connect to the Internet from your home you will need:

  • A computer: PC, Macintosh, etc.
  • An analogical, digital (RDSI) or GSM telephone line.
  • A 56Kbps modem (preferably, external) or an RDSI adapter. If your PC is a laptop, you may use an external modem or a mobile phone GSM adapter.
  • Internet connection software. It basically consists of: network access protocols and automatized calling tools, and web-surfing applications: browsers, e-mail, etc.

Currently, all computers come with the necessary software to access the Internet, so, in most cases, no additional applications will be required.

Organismo responsable

IT Service. Vice-Rector's Office for IT.

Cooperation and Distance Services Section — Library of the University of Oviedo (SIR). Vice-Rector's Office for Research and Campus of International Excellence.

Contacto responsable
IT  Service
Scientific-Technological Building. Campus of El Cristo.
C/ Catedrático Rodrigo Uría s/n 33006 Oviedo

Cooperation and Distance Services Section

Campus of El Milán, Administration Building, 4th floor
C/Teniente Alonso Martínez, s/n
33011 Oviedo
Cooperation Area and Remote Services

All year round, 24 hours a day

Preguntas frecuentes

In case of any doubt, problem or suggestion, please contact the CAU at causi@uniovi.es, or contact the Cooperation and Distance Services Section through e-mail at buobases@uniovi.es.