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Progress and permanence in undergraduate and master’s studies / Continuing with studies without fulfilling the permanence rules


Services for students to be allowed to continue their studies without fulfilling the necessary requirements of permanence or academic progress.

Colectivo solicitante

Undergraduate and master’s degrees’ students.


It is compulsory for students not to have abandoned their studies.

Organismo responsable

President from the social council’s permanence commission (President from the social council)


Official period for registration.



Convocatorias disponibles para superar cada asignatura (según la nueva normativa de progreso y permanencia BOPA 03/08/2016)

Resolución de 28 de abril de 2022, de la Comisión de Permanencia de la Universidad de Oviedo, relativa al plazo de presentación de solicitudes de permanencia del curso 2021-2022

Acuerdo de 16 de mayo de 2016, del Consejo Social de la Universidad de Oviedo, por el que se aprueba la norma­tiva de progreso y permanencia en los estudios de grado y de máster universitario de la Universidad de Oviedo (de aplicación a partir del curso 2015-2016)


Formas de notificación

It will be notified by email or in the section “How are my things going?” in the Intranet

Solicitud online
online service for applications
Formas de solicitar

Members from the university community through online service for applications

Permanent applications should be presented through telematic services available on the web from the University of Oviedo in order to do the procedure.


Appeal to the Plenary of the Social Council.

Modelo normalizado de recurso