

La Universidad de Oviedo celebra unas Jornadas sobre Cultura Europea y Desarrollo

Experts in cultural management and economics debate on the economic potential of the industry and cultural equipment

La Universidad programa un curso intensivo para preparar las pruebas de acceso de mayores de 25 y mayores de 45 años

Those interested in taking part can register until next 23 November

La Universidad de Oviedo reúne a expertos punteros en biología molecular del cáncer en NAMOBICA 2012

The Cluster in Biomedicine and Health organizes a discussion forum which will deal with the latest findings about the epigenome of chronic...

La Universidad y el Ayuntamiento de Avilés firman un convenio de cooperación educativa

Both institutions colaborate in the development of the university master's degree in Social Policy and Welfare

La Universidad de Oviedo y la empresa Alcon Cusí crean una cátedra sobre innovación oftalmológica

The agreement strengthens the links between the University and the private company

La Universidad de Oviedo se incorpora a la plataforma científica internacional AlphaGalileo

This initiative makes it possible to spread news on the research carried out by the academic institution to the media worldwide

Nussbaum apela a la importancia de las humanidades en la formación científica en la Universidad de Oviedo

The winner of the Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences visited the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters to open the exhibition and talk with...

Lerner y Winter debaten sobre el futuro de la investigación inmunológica en la Universidad de Oviedo

The winners of the Prince of Asturias Award attended a business breakfast with national experts

La Universidad de Oviedo recibe el archivo creativo del novelista argentino Daniel Moyano

The collection, donated by the family, include unpublished texts, original manuscripts, drawings or notebooks