

Iván Fernández Colunga obtiene el Premio al mejor expediente académico Cajastur 2010-2011

The winner is industrial engineer and he will be given a cash prize of 6,000 Euros.

Campaña Universitaria de Donación de Sangre durante el mes de noviembre

The blood extraction programme, which will visit several centres in morning and afternoon schedules, will start at the Faculty of Sciences (Oviedo)...

La Universidad de Oviedo organiza las III Jornadas Internacionales de Campus Virtuales

The deadline to submit the projects for the meeting will remain open until the 30th November. The event will take place on the 25th and 26th...

La Universidad de Oviedo pone en marcha su Sede Electrónica

An online resource that will ease administration procedures and application processing.

La Universidad presenta 249 cursos para la temporada deportiva 2011-2012

Sport will be fostered as a health way, further than its competitive side

Científicos de la Universidad de Oviedo descubren una terapia capaz de bloquear la progeria

This study, led by Carlos López Otín, has been published in «Science Translational Medicine» and it means a significant step in the struggle...

La Universidad inaugura un parque de recarga de vehículos eléctricos en el campus de Gijón

The academic institution has signed an agreement with Schneider Electric to develop research projects and the practical training of engineering...

LAUDEO inicia su actividad con gran repercusión de los actos de los Premios Príncipe en los medios de comunicación

Exhibitions, scientific meetings, a poetry reading and a concert are some of the events of the LAUDEO Cultural Centre's programme

La Universidad de Oviedo revalida el sello de Campus de Excelencia y se sitúa en los primeros puestos nacionales

The international committee includes 'Ad Futurmun' project among the five ones with 'a good progress', ahead of universities located in Catalonia...