

Universidad y Principado inauguran las nuevas instalaciones del Campus de Mieres

The rector has described Barredo's complex as a 'model campus', which has now a new research building, a hall of residence and sports facilities.

'Una mirada solidaria hacia Benín'

The 1st of February at 19h, the photographic exhibition 'A look of solidarity to Benin' will take place in the auditorium of the Historical...

Científicos de la Universidad de Oviedo contribuyen a descifrar el genoma del orangután

The results, published on Nature's cover, has provided new clues to understand the evolution of hominids.

Programa español de movilidad de estudiantes 'SICUE', curso 2011-2012

The official announcement for the National student mobility programme for the academic year 2011- 2012 has been published. This programme has been...