The inaugural meeting of the Local Consultative Board of the INGENIUM Alliance at the University of Oviedo took place online on Tuesday, 7 November. This body, whose aim is to represent the interests and views of Asturian students within the Alliance, is led by the President of the Student Council, Jesús Vera, and comprises five other student representatives: Marcos Barril, Andrés Fernández, Marina García, Sara Rodríguez, and Elsa Villa.
The Board, established by a resolution of the Vice Chancellor for Internationalisation on 2 November, in line with the Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement of the Alliance, has duties related to the study, report, and proposal of the Alliance’s development. It is also in charge of promoting INGENIUM among the student community, informing the Vice Chancellor about any issues the body considers relevant, and choosing its representatives in the highest student representation bodies of the Alliance.
The meeting had a first part in which the Vice Chancellor for Internationalisation, Jesús Daniel Santos, and the coordinator and director of INGENIUM, Agustín Nieto and Ana Isabel Álvarez, were present. The Vice Chancellor started the meeting with a presentation on the objectives, structure, and organisation of the Alliance, reviewing its achievements during its first year of existence.
Next, the six members of the Board elected a representative and a deputy for each of the three committees of the INGENIUM Alliance that require the involvement of students from partner universities: the Student Advisory Board, the Innovation Committee, and the Sustainability Committee. For the first one, which is the highest student representation body of the consortium, Marcos Barril was selected with Elsa Villa as a deputy. Marina García (main) and Sara Rodríguez (deputy) were appointed for the Innovation Committee, and for the Sustainability Committee, Jesús Vera and Marcos Barril were chosen.
The Local Consultative Board of Students of the INGENIUM Alliance will meet regularly to monitor the progress of the Alliance and promote its activities among the students of the University of Oviedo. It will also keep open communication with the Vice Chancellor for Internationalisation and the Student Council, which has actively participated in the creation and operation of the Board.