

The Faculty of Philosophy and Letters analizes the link between minority languages and music

The session, which will take place next Friday, is organized in collaboration with the Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and the Liet International Festival

The Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Oviedo will host next Friday the session entitled Les llingues minoritaries n'Europa. La música y la cultura como elementu recuperador. This is organized on the ocassion of the X edition of the Liet International Festival, which will be held in Gijón de following day.

The Regional Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, Ana González, and the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Cristina Valdés, will be in charge of opening the encounter which will take place in the Assembly Hall of the Library of Humanities.

The lectures arranged will focus on key aspects of minority languages such as the development of traditional culture and music in different European countries and the legal tools regulating different minority languages.

The University of Oviedo collaborates with the general management of Linguistic Policy of the Principality and the Liet International Festival in the planning of some functions which will come to an end with the musical performance of Brian Ó hEadhara.