

3.855 alumnos asturianos de Secundaria son este año los primeros de España en realizar la PAU

The headquarters of the University of Oviedo hosts the tests until Friday, 3rd of June.

500 investigadores participan en la Guía de Expertos de la Universidad para medios de comunicación

The Campus of International Excellence has promoted this on-line initiative which tries to boost the promotion and spreading of the Academic...

Los nuevos másteres universitarios reciben 1.200 solicitudes en la primera fase de preinscripción

A second call for the submission of applications will be opened from the 13th of June to the 10th of July.

Constituido el Consejo de Cooperación al Desarrollo de la Universidad de Oviedo

This body will support and advise those actions and projects which are framed in the field of cooperation.