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Request for differentiated assessment in undergraduate and Master's studies


Request for differentiated assessment for students in part time that can’t come to the clases or mobility students (in this case for a maximum of subjects out of the contracts’ studies).

Colectivo solicitante



Being a student in part time. Justifying with documents the impossibility of continuing the normality of the courses.

Organismo responsable

Governing Board of the Center. processing unit: administration’s office of the center


Official resgistration’s period (published annually) and after the course of maximum five days after the beginning of the academic year. In case of students accepted after the close of oficial deadlines of registration, have five days from the beginning of the following registration days.


Instrucción del Vicerrector de Estudiantes de fecha 8 de marzo, sobre evaluación diferenciada por circunstancias sobrevenidas

Instrucción 1/2017, de 2 de mayo, sobre la evaluación diferenciada

Instrucción 2/2016, de 22 de febrero, sobre la aplicación de la  evaluación diferenciada en cambios de régimen de matrícula

Art. 7 del Reglamento de Evaluación de los resultados de aprendizaje y de las competencias adquiridas por el alumnado

Formas de notificación

It will be notificated via email and in the section “how are my things going” in the intranet of the University of Oviedo.

Solicitud online
Services of online application
Formas de solicitar

Services of online application


Appeal to the Rector.