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Place application in a college or university residence for full academic year or a semester


University of Oviedo has three halls of residence and university residences: el Colegio Mayor San Gregorio y el Colegio América y la Residencia Mieres. The application for a place for the following course will be done generally in June. After the beginning of the academic year it is possible to apply for a place only if it exists.

After the finalization of the application period, the University of Oviedo will communicate to the applicant that they have obtained their place, and the University will ask for the requirements data in order to formalize the reservation. After receiving the communication, applicants will have a period of 10 days to pay in concept of reservation.

On incorporation day, residents will sign the rules form determined by the correspondent hall of residence or university residence.

Colectivo solicitante

Personal externo a la Universidad.


Cursar estudios en alguna de las facultades, escuelas técnicas, escuelas universitarias de la Universidad de Oviedo, o desarrollar en las mismas labores de investigación, docencia o ampliación de estudios.

Organismo responsable

Halls of residence area / Vice-Rectorate of students.

Contacto responsable

Información de contacto: infocolegios@uniovi.es, 985 10 95 65

  • Fecha de inicio: 01-10-2016 00:00h
  • Fecha de fin: 31-07-2017 23:59h
Solicitud online
Documentación relacionada

It will be obliged to give the following documentation:

  • Proof of access qualification
  • Passport photo: