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Print Services


The University Print, belonging to the Publishing Service of the University of Oviedo, provides services of light graphic design and book binding of the University of Oviedo, such as letters, envelopes, notes, cards, leaflets, posters, course materials, etc.

Colectivo solicitante

Any member of the community of the University.

Organismo responsable

Publishing Service of the University of Oviedo.

Vice-Rector's Office for University Extension and Communication

Contacto responsable
Publishing Service and Publishing House.
Humanities Campus, Service Building. 33011 Oviedo
985 10 95 40 (Imprenta) / 985 10 95 03 (Publicaciones)
Email Address:

These seriveces can be requested throughout the academic year.


Regulations of the Publishing Service.

Formas de notificación

Students will be notified by post at the provided address.

Formas de solicitar

The requesting form for printing works must include, at least, the administrative unit which assumes the order and, when necessary, the person who carries out the task.

Once it is properly filled in and stamped, the requesting form must be sent, together with a sample of the requested work, to the Publishing Service, where it will be received by its technicians. The request will be assigned by order of reception; the priority of works will be subject to the needs of the service.

Documentación relacionada

In order to request the printing of works, the form Request for Printing works must be filled in. Likewise, there is another form for the request of printing works for research projects.


Fees for light graphic design and book binding carried out by the Print..