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Filing a complaint with the university defender


Procedure for intervention by the University defender, initiated ex officio or at the request of a party by members or groups of the university community who consider that their rights and freedoms have been infringed. If the complaint is admitted and, after the investigation, the University defender can formulate the advertances, recommendations, reminders of legal duties or suggestions to the academic authorities or members from the academic community. These decisions have not the consideration of administrative resolutions.

Colectivo solicitante

Any member from the university community that has an legitimated interest, as well as personal or collective way, also associations or legal organizations habilitated to the defense of rights or interests from the universitary community.


Complaints will be presented in the Registration offices from the University of Oviedo within a period not exceeding one year, counting from the moment in which the interested person has known the facts that motivate the procedure.

Organismo responsable

The universitary defender is the organism responsible for overseeing the respect to the rights and liberties of professors, students, administration workers and services, in order to avoid arbitrary actions or situations of defencelessness in relation to the activities of the University's internal bodies.

Their main functions are also receiving complaints formulated by any person that take part of the university community with legitimated interests; mediating in disagreements and differences between members or collective in the university community and proposing conciliation and agreements’ formulas, make recommendations, suggestions, warnings, and reminders of legal duties in the matters in which it has been involved; and, finally, to present the annual report to the Senate.

Acts from the University defender shall be governed by the principles of independence, impartiality, autonomy and confidentiality.

Contacto responsable

Office of the University Ombudsman

HTS of Mining, 1st floor. Independencia, 13. 33004 - Oviedo
985 10 29 30 / 985 10 29 31
985 10 29 35

University defensor will register the complaints and will decide and communicate to the interested person the admission or inadmission in a period of five days.

After the complaint’s admission or initiated the own-initiative file, the defensor will promote, if it is considered necessary for the clarification of the facts, the summary or informative investigation that will be reserved character.

In any case, it shall inform the body or person whose action gave rise to the complaint, granting him or her a period of no more than 15 days and no less than 5 days in which to make allegations and provide any documents he or she deems relevant.

The decision adopted by the University defensor will be communicated to the implicated organism, that will have to answer in a period no longer to 15 days and shorter than 5 days. University defensor will inform to the recomendation of suggestions formulated and the answer given by the organism afected to the person interested in a period of sex month before the beginnig of the file.

This period will be amplified by the Dfensor before the finalization by a justificated cause. Services and people that receive the recommendation, suggestions or warnings about the decisions adopted should inform the University Defensor in a maximum period of a month. Deadlines will be fixed in working days.


Regulations of the University Ombudsman

Solicitud online
Formas de solicitar

Complaints will be formulated on paper, it should be contained:

  1. Interested person’s identificative data, or in any case, from the representant.
  2. The university collective in which the interested person takes part.
  3. The address to which notifications should be sent.
  4. Facts and reasons in which it’s fundamented and the claim in which it is concreted.
  5. Place, date and signature

The complain will have to be accompanied by as many documents that may serve to clarify the events as possible.

It may be presented on paper at any of the Registries of the University of Oviedo, or via Internet, with the following application: https://euniovi.uniovi.es/DefensorExpedientes/privado/solicitante/menu


Decisions adopted by universitary defensor won’t have the consideration of administrative resolutions, will not be susceptible of judicial appeal and in any cases, they can’t modify or anulate administrative acts.

Información adicional

More information.