

Campaña Universitaria de Donación de Sangre

The University Campaign of Blood Donation will begin from the 14th of March. This is an activity coordinated by the Vice-rector's office for...

La Universidad de Oviedo inaugura el Registro Auxiliar del Campus de El Milán

This office will cover the administrative requirements of more than 2.300 university students.

América Latina y África, destinos de las prácticas para estudiantes en cooperación al desarrollo

The registration deadline to join the projects finishes on the 16th of March.

Concurso y Día de la Divulgación Tecnológica en la EPI de Gijón

There will be activities aimed at students from the last courses of Secondary school in order to attract their attention to the technology in the...

Investigadores de la universidad de Oviedo analizan el ADN de las merluzas que se comercializan en España

The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry has published the results of this scientific study.

La Universidad de Oviedo y la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos firman un convenio de colaboración

The Organization of the Latin American States has proposed the Asturian academic institution a project to train researchers in the hydrocarbons field

La Universidad promueve una técnica innovadora para tratar el autismo

The academic institution appears among the world's top 20 universities in the research of effective therapies for this disease

Presentación de los premios a trabajos de fin de carrera de ingeniería por iniciativa empresarial

Fourteen companies and entities will sponsor the prizes, which will be presented in Gijón

La Universidad recibe a las ganadoras de la Olimpiada Matemática de Asturias

The three girls will represent the region in the national phase which will be held in Pamplona at the end of this month.