The ranking, promoted by the Prince of Asturias Award for Research, tries to assess the impact of the web on the economy, society and development...
Maestros, stage managers, singers and university lecturers will discuss each piece for this season in a cycle of encounters at LAUDEO's Cultural...
Recepción a estudiantes chinos que cursarán este año en la Universidad de Oviedo
6 September 2012Los primeros 26 alumnos que llegan a Asturias desde la provincia china de Shandong, fruto de los convenios firmados con las universidades de Weihai...
La Universidad de Oviedo organiza el 21º Congreso mundial sobre Dificultades del Aprendizaje
5 September 2012International experts will analyse, between 5 andf 7 September, in oviedo, the latest findings and researchs on the factors that have any influence...
La Universidad de Oviedo recibe este curso a 36 alumnos del programa Ciencia sin Fronteras de Brasil
5 September 2012The Asturian academic institution has been chosen taking into account its teaching quality, excellence research, knowledge transfer and welcome...
La Universidad de Oviedo da la bienvenida a los estudiantes Erasmus
3 September 2012More than 500 students taking part in the mobility program will attend this year classes in Asturias
The dynamical systems have applications for the exploitation of biological resources, the meteorology, the spacial exploration, the epidemic...
It offers twelve languages and the classes will be developed in Oviedo, Gijón, Mieres and Avilés.
CSIC researchers and the Universities of Oviedo and Illes Balears have created a database with the enzymes and microorganisms capable of destroying...