

El Organismo Autónomo de Programas Educativos Europeos garantiza el pago de las becas Erasmus

'In no case are the Erasmus grants at risk of disappearing, neither for this edition, nor for 2013', state the people responsible for the European...

La Universidad de Oviedo convoca una nueva edición de los Premios Extraordinarios de Doctorado

The submission of applications in the corresponding departments and institutes can be made from 3 to 16 October, 2012

Los antiinflamatorios extienden la longevidad en modelos animales de envejecimiento acelerado

The prestigious journal Genes & Depelopment publishes a study carried out by a research team at the University of Oviedo

La Agencia Espacial Europea selecciona a la Universidad de Oviedo para participar en un concurso sobre desarrollo de productos basados en sus patentes

Three European universities have been selected so that three multidisciplinary student teams design a technological and business project related to...

La Universidad de Oviedo lanza su canal oficial en Twitter y un nuevo resumen de medios

@uniovi_info will pay attention to the information of general interest for students

Nuevo mecanismo de control inmunológico del cáncer

An article published by Science with the collaboration of the Institute of Oncology of the University of Oviedo reveals that the immune systems's...

El Ministro Consejero de la Embajada de EEUU en España habla sobre las relaciones hispanoamericanas en El Milán

The number two in the American diplimacy in our country announced the donation of The Library of America collection to the University

Ladislao Azcona toma posesión como presidente del Consejo Social de la Universidad de Oviedo

The Asturian journalist takes office with the challenge of achieving ' a more intense, creative relationship with companies'

Profesores de cuatro universidades serbias visitan Oviedo en el marco de un programa TEMPUS

The lecturers will analyse the curriculum of a degree and a Master's Degree taught at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education