

El Consejo de Gobierno aprueba la memoria del Campus de Excelencia Internacional

The University unanimously agrees on the modification of the List of Work Positions.

La Universidad de Oviedo y la empresa ALSA abren una nueva línea de colaboración

Both institutions have signed a framework agreement to promote grant creation for foreigner students and the support of postgraduate training.

La Universidad y Oviedo Filarmonía inician un proyecto para renovar la oferta cultural

The first collaboration between the University Choir and the orchestra will mean the worldwide premier of The Eternal Dream, a work by the Asturian...

82 empresas tomarán parte en el XI Foro de Empleo de la Universidad de Oviedo

More than 7,000 students visited the Employment Forum of the University of Oviedo in the last edition.

La Universidad de Oviedo abre una nueva etapa en la investigación con modelos animales

The laboratory of the new Preclinical Imaging Unit will allow researchers to apply the same diagnostic imaging techniques which are used with humans.

Toma de posesión del equipo rectoral de la Universidad de Oviedo

The Rector chaired the ceremony for the constitution of his goberning board, which consist of 8 Vice-Rectors, the General Secretary and the Manager.

La Facultad de Filosofía y Letras celebra su Semana Cultural con una programación interdisciplinar y enriquecedora

Between 16 and 20 April, they will offer documentaries, music, lectures, workshops, presentations, round tables and even a basketball match.

La Universidad de Oviedo colabora con el Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas para fomentar el uso de los servicios electrónicos entre la comunidad universitaria

Between 16 and 27 April, the University of Oviedo will host short-term measures of stimulation promoted by the Ministry of Finance and Public...

Vicente Gotor toma posesión como Rector de la Universidad de Oviedo

In his investiture speech at the Auditorium, he demanded the regional governmemt an agreement with the University which should guarantee financial...