La Campaña Universitaria de Donación de Sangre incrementa un 2,8% el número de extracciones
21 May 2012More than 2,250 students visited one of the 13 collaboration points located at the different campuses
The enrollment fees will be applied according to the University of Oviedo's tuition fees and not to the American Centre's
El Premio en Biomedicina Aplicada Valdés-Salas se amplía a Iberoamérica
17 May 2012The discovery of the molecule which eradicates leukaemia type B, and its following development into a drug, were awarded in the last edition
La Universidad de Oviedo recibe a alumnos del programa universitario para mayores de Extremadura
17 May 2012The group attends PUMUO classes at the Campus of El Milán and takes part in different cultural visits
La Universidad de Oviedo fusiona el cine y la música en directo en la proyección de ‘Metrópolis'
15 May 2012The Campoamor Theatre will hold the showing on Thursday, 17 May, from 20 pm, with free entrance until the full capacity has been reached
Una exposición recoge los 50 años del Uni en los campos de fútbol
14 May 2012The exhibition can be visited until next Friday at the Historic Building
La Universidad de Oviedo recibe la medalla del Instituto Oftalmológico Fernández-Vega
11 May 2012The Rector highlights the research carried out by the entity after accepting the prize
Estudiantes de cinco universidades europeas investigan el estado ambiental de la cuenca del Narcea
10 May 2012The Rector, Vicente Gotor, gave this morning the certificates to the participates, who came from French, Irish and Portuguese universities.
Genueve Ediciones lanza tres nuevos títulos
10 May 2012The editorial committee of the Group of Universities G9 met in Santander chaired by the Rector of the University of Oviedo, Vicente Gotor