Toma de posesión de cargos universitarios en el Paraninfo del Edificio Histórico
22 February 2013A total of 23 Professors, 25 Associate Professors, 29 Directors of Departments, 10 Deans and Directors of Centers and 3 Directors of University...
Araceli Iravedra asume la dirección de la Cátedra Ángel González
20 February 2013La profesora titular de Literatura Española de la Universidad de Oviedo es experta en poesía española contemporánea
El CIP abre la preinscripción de 44 de sus másteres oficiales con una oferta de 1.311 plazas
20 February 2013The period for submitting applications finishes on March 5
La Universidad aprueba 17 programas de doctorado adaptados al último decreto
18 February 2013The new academic calendar sets the start of the academic course on September 10
La Universidad de Oviedo crea la cátedra Ángel González
18 February 2013The initiative seeks to promote awareness of the figure and work of the poet, and of literary and artistic creation within society.
The winning study, which will be given a prize of €6.000, establishes the predisposition to injury and the timeframes for recovery
La Universidad de Oviedo firma un convenio con la Universidad de Agricultura y Tecnología de Tokio
14 February 2013The Asturian academic institution is the first Spanish university to reach a collaboration agreement with the Japanese center for research and...
Marta González Prieto asumirá la gerencia de la Universidad de Oviedo
12 February 2013The current Chief of the Administrative Services of the Campus of Gijón takes over from Eusebio González.
More than 500 teachers and students of the University attended the technical conference organized by the Fundación Ramón Areces Chair.