

La Universidad de Oviedo presenta su nuevo Programa de Prácticas de Voluntariado para estudiantes de Grado

Those students involved in volunteering practices in social projects developed by certain organizations will have their work recognized as optional...

La Universidad de Oviedo festeja a su patrona Santa Catalina con la entrega de los Premios Fin de Carrera

The Rector, Vicente Gotor, encourages the best students to commence a university research career within the Asturian academic institution

Las IV Jornadas Universitarias sobre la India se acercan a la cultura y tradiciones del país asiático

The Rector, Vicente Gotor, received in his office the Ambassador of India in Spain, Suni Lal, who was in charge of bring the encounter to an end

Uniovi.es unifica los resultados de búsqueda de las webs adheridas al esquema común

The users can do any search both of contents published on www.uniovi.es and the other official pages updated by the C1NN.

El CEI ultima una nueva convocatoria de movilidades de excelencia para docentes

The stays at the 200 best universities of the world have to take place before finishing the 2012-2013 academic year

Un alumno de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial logra el Premio Cajastur al mejor expediente académico de la Universidad de Oviedo en el curso 2011-2012

Diego Turrado Blanco will receive the prize as part of the Acts of the Festivity of Saint Catherine

La XII Semana de la Ciencia pone en escena los secretos de la neurociencia gracias al teatro

The programme includes free performances for children from today, Monday, and until Friday at the Severo Ochoa Classroom from 18 pm

La Universidad de Oviedo celebra unas Jornadas sobre Cultura Europea y Desarrollo

Experts in cultural management and economics debate on the economic potential of the industry and cultural equipment

La Universidad programa un curso intensivo para preparar las pruebas de acceso de mayores de 25 y mayores de 45 años

Those interested in taking part can register until next 23 November