La Universidad de Oviedo cerrará sus dependencias del 5 al 18 de agosto
2 August 2013All the centers and administrative services of the Asturian academic institution will re-open on Monday, August 19
These students will continue their Undegraduate Degrees in another Spanish university during 5 or 9 months
La Universidad programa las Jornadas de Acogida e Integración para nuevos estudiantes
31 July 2013The activities, which will take place throughout September, will show the services that the University of Oviedo Offers its students
The students of Bachelor's Degrees, Diplomas, Engineering and Technical Engineering may request the special call for an unlimited amount of...
The research concludes that a higher concentration of soil could increase in up to 7.8% the efficiency of the livestock industry of the Principality
Conferencia en Colombres sobre los vínculos lingüísticos entre España y sus antiguas colonias
25 July 2013Estará a cargo del catedrático José Antonio Martínez
Researchers from the Department of Geology analize one of the latest authorized geophysical experiments on the protected reservation of El...
Solicitud de plaza en cinco grados con límite de acceso que tienen vacantes
23 July 2013Students may enrol, between July 23-26, in the Degrees in Accounting and Finances, Business Administration and Management, Economics, Labor...
Mesa redonda sobre 'Medio ambiente: problemas, prioridades y mitos'
22 July 2013Tendrá lugar a las 13 horas en el aula 11 de la Facultad de Química