

Presentación del Centro Internacional de Postgrado a la comunidad universitaria

This is the body which has elaborated the new catalogue of university master's degrees

X Encuentro de los Servicios de Información y Orientación Universitarios en la Universidad de Oviedo

The scheduled activities will take place on the 5th and 6th of May, 2011 in the Aula Escalonada (Stepped Classroom) of the Historical Building.

La Universidad de Oviedo presenta 42 Másteres Universitarios en su oferta de formación de postgrado para el curso 2011-2012

On the 1st of May, the pre-registration for a kind of studies that in a high percentage will be taught in English and will give students the...

La Universidad coordina el primer censo genético sobre el urogallo cantábrico

The research will determine the degree of inbreeding, stress and other key aspects to preserve the species

Abierto hasta el 11 de mayo el plazo para enrolarse en la Universidad Itinerante de la Mar

The journey on board the Creoula training ship, planned for August, will cross Atlantic and Mediterranean waters.

La Universidad lleva el mejor teatro por toda Asturias con ‘La Escena Ambulante'

The academic institution has organized a tour with the companies Teatro Margen, Higiénico Papel, Teatro del Norte and Zig- Zag Danza.

La Universidad presenta un proyecto de urbanización 'social e integrador' en el Campus de El Cristo

This performance, in the framework of the Campus of International Excellence, represents an urban pattern which will be a reference for future...

I Jornada de Empleo y Emprendedores de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

The importance of the external internships in training will be one of the topics which will be raised.

Jornada 'Viticultura de montaña, heroica y única'

It seeks to reveal the particularities of this modality and look for the collaboration of the stakeholders interested in its protection.

Primera Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida y Participación de los Estudiantes Universitarios en España

This is a project promoted by the Ministry of Education, in which several universities are involved.

La Universidad y el Principado firman un contrato programa para impulsar la internacionalización y la transferencia de conocimiento

The rector has said that in the Principality's ranking of priorities, the University should be in a higher position.

Jornadas sobre Cultura Científica y de la Innovación

They will be held on the 11th and 12th of April, in the Conference Room of the Main Building of the Scientific and Technological Park of Gijón

Jornadas 'Universidad y Discapacidad. Avanzando en la inclusión'

They will begin on the 11th of April in the Assembly Hall of the Historical Building in order to strengthen the university commitment with the...

Luis Rodríguez Muñiz toma posesión del cargo de vicerrector de Estudiantes y Empleo

The new vice-rector ensures that there won't be a change of direction and holds his hand out to students.

La Universidad de Oviedo renueva la Extensión Universitaria con una oferta de 'alta cultura' para todos los públicos

The academic institution has presented a south-American cinema cycle with the premiere in Spain of films that have been only seen in the leading...

Inauguración del X Foro de Empleo de la Universidad de Oviedo: encuentro de los estudiantes con el mundo laboral

The rector has stressed the consolidation of this event in its 10th edition and its potential as a door to achieve a first job.

Rectorado y estudiantes acuerdan las primeras medidas para mejorar la implantación del ‘Plan Bolonia'

The rector has promised the deans and representatives of students that the problems which are affecting some centres will be solved through the...

El rector nombra a Luis Rodríguez Muñiz vicerrector de Estudiantes y Empleo

The previous head of the Department of Counselling and Access has replaced Susana López Ares

La Universidad rinde homenaje a Rafael Altamira, cofundador de la Extensión Universitaria

Conference and concert to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the lawyer's death.

Abierto el periodo de inscripción para el Maratón de Francés de La Casa de las Lenguas

Intensive course taught by expert teachers following a dynamic methodology on the 6th and 7th of May.

Más de 85 instituciones participarán en el X Foro Empleo de la Universidad de Oviedo

This meeting will be held on the 5th and 6th of April at the Luis Adaro fairgrounds located in Gijón.

Jornadas de debate 'La integración europea: luces y sombras'

Specialists will talk about the impact caused by the integration process of the EU next Thursday 31st of March and Friday 1st of April.

Creación de la Comisión de Normalización Lingüística del Asturiano

It will give advice to the rector regarding the use and promotion of the Asturian Language at the University of Oviedo.

Abierta al público la exposición 'Entre Moléculas', en el Edificio Histórico

This is one of the activities that compose the International Year of Chemistry and it is aimed at young people.

Adjudicadas provisionalmente las plazas del programa nacional de movilidad SICUE

The awarding lists are available so that potential claims can be sent.

Conferencia del presidente del Senado en Salas

Javier Rojo will talk about the role of the institution in the State of the Autonomous regions next Thursday 24th of March.

El Consejo de Gobierno aprueba un nuevo reglamento de profesores eméritos y plazas de profesores titulares

This university body has also agreed on modifying the plan of voluntary retirements

El Campus de Excelencia Internacional de la Universidad de Oviedo se presenta en Facebook

The website 'CEI Universidad de Oviedo' has been operative since the 18th of March, 2011

Entrega de los premios nacionales de Investigación en Medicina del Deporte

The prize winners will give some lectures about the winning works.

Sale a la luz el Handbook of Translation Studies, obra de referencia en la que participa la Universidad de Oviedo

The teacher Roberto A. Valdeón is one of the co-authors of the project.

Sesenta y tres becas para hacer prácticas de verano en Banco Herrero

They will last 350 hours and 1.000 Euros will be paid.

Campaña Universitaria de Donación de Sangre

The University Campaign of Blood Donation will begin from the 14th of March. This is an activity coordinated by the Vice-rector's office for...

La Universidad de Oviedo inaugura el Registro Auxiliar del Campus de El Milán

This office will cover the administrative requirements of more than 2.300 university students.

América Latina y África, destinos de las prácticas para estudiantes en cooperación al desarrollo

The registration deadline to join the projects finishes on the 16th of March.

Concurso y Día de la Divulgación Tecnológica en la EPI de Gijón

There will be activities aimed at students from the last courses of Secondary school in order to attract their attention to the technology in the...

Investigadores de la universidad de Oviedo analizan el ADN de las merluzas que se comercializan en España

The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry has published the results of this scientific study.

La Universidad de Oviedo y la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos firman un convenio de colaboración

The Organization of the Latin American States has proposed the Asturian academic institution a project to train researchers in the hydrocarbons field

La Universidad promueve una técnica innovadora para tratar el autismo

The academic institution appears among the world's top 20 universities in the research of effective therapies for this disease

Presentación de los premios a trabajos de fin de carrera de ingeniería por iniciativa empresarial

Fourteen companies and entities will sponsor the prizes, which will be presented in Gijón

La Universidad recibe a las ganadoras de la Olimpiada Matemática de Asturias

The three girls will represent the region in the national phase which will be held in Pamplona at the end of this month.