El Campus del Milán rinde homenaje a Cohen con una exposición y un recital de poesía
19 October 2011The winner of the Príncipe de Asturias Prize of Letters will inaugurate on the 20th of October, at 12:30h, the 'Cohen: La Cara B. Dibujos y...
El Nobel de Medicina Paul Nurse analiza los grandes retos de la ciencia en la Universidad de Oviedo
18 October 2011The chairman of the Royal Society will be in charge of the 'El Universo en una cáscara de nuez' (Universe in a nutshell) scientific meeting...
La Universidad recorre la historia de la Royal Society en una exposición única
16 October 2011The Library will show some of the scientists' 'jewels' which have revolutionized the world in the 'Transacciones' exhibition.
La Universidad apoyará a las pequeñas empresas asturianas en procesos de internacionalización
14 October 2011A team of 28 students will advice Asturian microSMEs and will study their potential international expansion.
REUNO includes breaking news, research projects, calls and interviews related to the development of 'Ad Futurum project'.
They recommend similar processes, framed in the Campus of Excellence's initiative, in the University Strategy 2015 report.
'First we take Milán' is a tribute to the musical groups which emerge in the Campus of el Milán, which will meet next 20th of October at 21:30h in...
La Universidad de Oviedo transforma el Edificio Histórico en un gran Centro Cultural
11 October 2011LAUDEO (La Antigua Universidad de Oviedo/ The Old University of Oviedo) will count with a programme based on the scientific and cultural...
Rodrigo Rato, Jeffrey Davidow, Enrique Agüera, Margarita Zavala and Daniel Brennan have been awarded this year.
II Reunión Nacional de Profesores de Derecho Financiero y Tributario
5 October 2011The landscape of scientific research in this discipline and the current situation of law according the effective judicial protection in Tax Law...
Nueva presentación de resultados de búsqueda en la página web de UniOvi
5 October 2011Results are organized in three modules which ease the selection of results to users.
The academic institution has informed the CTA about some incidents reported by users
Conferencia Inaugural del Máster Universitario sobre Género y Diversidad Erasmus Mundus GEMMA
29 September 2011Monica Tarducci, teacher of Anthropology will offer this lecture whose title is 'Mujeres, política y vida cotidiana: una visión desde América...
Dos galardones para la Universidad de Oviedo en los Premios Nacionales de Edición Universitaria
28 September 2011It has been awarded in the areas of the best Monograph in Sciences of Health and the best joint edition in a university leading article.
La Universidad de Oviedo celebra la Noche de los Investigadores 2011
20 September 2011This event, focused on Chemistry, will take place next Friday 23rd of September, from 18:00 to 22: 00, at the Receptions' Hall of Oviedo's City Hall.
La Universidad de Oviedo fondea la primera boya oceanográfica de la Estación Experimental Off Shore
16 September 2011It will collect real-time measurement in meteorology, air and water quality, directional currents and waves and aquaculture
The study, which has been published on the prestigious 'Science' magazine, has proved that these organisms compete with fished on equal footing...
La Universidad de Oviedo inicia el programa de acompañamiento a la inserción laboral y autoempleo
12 September 2011The pre-registration period will start on the 12th of September, 2011
La Universidad de Oviedo inaugura el nuevo curso del ecuador de Bolonia y el bilingüismo
10 September 2011The rector, Vicente Gotor, made some revision about the main actions carried out in his more than three years in office and he also detailed future...
A resolution to extend the registration period up to the 16th of September has been published.
The academic institution shows a Harald Shmitt's photographer about everyday's life in East Germany.
La Universidad de Oviedo celebra la ‘Semana de Bienvenida' a estudiantes Erasmus
5 September 2011The programme includes teaching, recreational and cultural activities that will take place from the 5th to the 10th of September.
Más de 130 estudiantes inician los ‘cursos cero' de los grados bilingües de la Universidad de Oviedo
1 September 2011Most of the paths which are offered this course for the first time have already completed its places.
Programa Erasmus: una ventana abierta al futuro de Europa
26 August 2011688 Asturian young students with an Erasmus grant will start 2011-2012 academic course in a foreign university. Almost 2 million students have...
Ayudas del CEI para la matriculación en los Cursos Generales de Lenguas
16 August 2011The whole university community can apply for these grants which are framed in the Campus of International Excellence's strategies to boost language...
Se trata de doce cortos documentales sobre la fauna y flora de la costa cantábrica, emitidos por TVE.
Entra en servicio la nueva web del Centro de Innovación de la Universidad
9 August 2011Through its gateway, you can access to the Virtual Campus and a Customer Attention service is also offered.
Los Campus Científicos de Verano completan satisfactoriamente su edición de 2011
5 August 2011A project in which 60 teenagers from all around the country took part, supported by a team which joined half hundred collaborators not only from...
El plazo para inscribirse en los cursos cero de grados bilingües finaliza el 27 de agosto
3 August 2011This programme will be taught in the School of Computer Engineering, Polytechnic School of Engineering in Gijón, Jovellanos University School of...
Cerca de 1.300 personas participan en las visitas guiadas al Edificio Histórico de la Universidad
2 August 2011Andalucía, Madrid, Barcelona and Basque Country are the communities from where most of the visitors come.
Bolsa de empleo temporal para docencia en La Casa de las Lenguas
1 August 2011It has been established to cover eventual teaching needs in German, Arabic, Asturian, Chinese, French, Japanese and Portuguese.
Abierto el plazo de preinscripción para los aprobados en la PAU de julio
26 July 2011It has just been opened in the studies of Speech Therapy, Infant Teaching Education and Primary Teaching Education.
The Monitoring Report made by a team of auditors has appreciated positively the actions performed in the campus and it has pointed out that 'the...
El Máster de Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género (GEMMA) renueva su Erasmus Mundus
23 July 2011In this programme, whose closure was held this week, eight European universities from seven different countries collaborate.
The new deadline to send applications will last for the 27th of July to the 29th of August, 2011.
Treinta estudiantes de bachillerato inician el Campus Científico de Verano ‘Ad Futurum'
19 July 2011The University of Oviedo has inaugurated the second turn of this summer initiative which is trying to boost young people's interest in science,...
Apart from the G-9 representatives, there also were representatives from the universities of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Ethiopia.
The academic institution will be international coordinator of two programmes for the first time. Emergency Nursing and Critical Care and...
Elaboración de los presupuestos de la Universidad de Oviedo para el año 2012
14 July 2011A resolution dated on the 17th of June 2011, taken by the University of Oviedo's rector, in which the regulations to elaborate this University's...
Corte del servicio de red, el jueves 14 de julio, para realizar la migración a RedIRIS-NOVA
12 July 2011It will be implemented at 8 in the morning and it will last up to one hour.