

La Universidad de Oviedo acoge el VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas

The world's main specialists in Cervantes take part in the encounter

Actividades del programa de cultura emprendedora abiertas al alumnado de la Universidad de Oviedo

They will carried out in June and July and are subject to generate free elective credits

Abierto el plazo para la presentación de trabajos a los Premios Nacionales de Investigación en Medicina del Deporte

The Professional School of Physical Education and Sports Medicine of the University of Oviedo announces these awards, which are sponsored by Cajastur

Diana Sorensen, decana de Artes y Humanidades de la Universidad de Harvard, pronuncia la conferencia inaugural de los cursos de verano

The Rector presides over the opening ceremony of the summer activities, which include more than 80 courses

La revista Psicothema, segunda publicación científica en español con mayor impacto según Google Scholar Metrics

The Faculty of Psichology of the University of Oviedo and the Psychological Association of the Principality of Asturias publish this prestigious...

Asturias abre las Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad en España

3,893 students started yesterday the exams from the general phase without remarkable incidents

El Ministerio de Educación convoca un Consejo de Universidades extraordinario el 7 de junio para debatir el decreto sobre racionalización del gasto público

The Rectors reject that the increase in the marks required to achieve a grant be applied right now

El II Foro Intercultural Voces del GEMMA reúne en Oviedo a estudiantes de 20 países

A total of 55 students of the Erasmus Mundus Master's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies graduated today at the Auditorium

La Unidad de Cultura Científica de la Universidad de Oviedo entra en la RED UCC+i de FECYT

For the last ten years it has organised more than 850 dissemination activities, with more than 500 researchers and 35,000 participants

El concurso 'Planta tu diseño' ya tiene ganadores

The participants had to present ideas to design the display window of the Vice-Rector's Office for Students

Becas de colaboración para relaciones internacionales y servicios universitarios del Programa Tandem

They target students enrolled in the University of Oviedo and the application period ends on 12 June

‘La escena ambulante' inicia su gira teatral con sello asturiano

The cycle, organised by the University of Oviedo, will bring the staging of five Asturian companies to ten localities in the Principality

Un titulado de la Universidad de Oviedo recibe un premio internacional al mejor joven ingeniero en sistemas de energía eléctrica

Alejandro Dan Domínguez has been distinguished with the award that the IEEE Power and Energy Society gives to engineers under 35

Un total de 3.893 alumnos realizarán los exámenes de PAU en la Universidad de Oviedo

The examination session begins next Monday, 4 June, with the Spanish Language and Literature exams.

El Aula de Teatro de la Universidad de Oviedo pone en escena ‘Historias para ser contadas'

The play by the Argentinian Osvaldo Dragún reflects how far human beings go to find a job

El Rector recibe a los ganadores de la XXVI Olimpiada de Química del Principado de Asturias

165 high school students from Asturias competed in the Olympiad and Vicente Gotor encouraged them to extend their academic training

La Universidad y Cajastur convocan becas para prácticas en el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, en Washington

Targeting students in the last course or recently graduated, these internships will last 6 months from September 2012

Los rectores deciden no asistir al Consejo de Universidades

The Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) will request an urgent meeting with the President of the Government

Homenaje en memoria del profesor Fermín Gómez Beltrán en Zaragoza

The Rector of the University of Oviedo and the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry attend the tribute to the Professor, who passed away last month of...

Una veintena de científicos darán a conocer en Oviedo sus últimos avances en investigación biomédica

The University of Oviedo and the Ramón Areces Foundation organise an international symposium on yeast as a model for biomedical research

La Campaña Universitaria de Donación de Sangre incrementa un 2,8% el número de extracciones

More than 2,250 students visited one of the 13 collaboration points located at the different campuses

La Universidad de Oviedo acuerda una doble titulación con la Universidad de South Florida en su Máster en Ingeniería Web

The enrollment fees will be applied according to the University of Oviedo's tuition fees and not to the American Centre's

El Premio en Biomedicina Aplicada Valdés-Salas se amplía a Iberoamérica

The discovery of the molecule which eradicates leukaemia type B, and its following development into a drug, were awarded in the last edition

La Universidad de Oviedo recibe a alumnos del programa universitario para mayores de Extremadura

The group attends PUMUO classes at the Campus of El Milán and takes part in different cultural visits

La Universidad de Oviedo fusiona el cine y la música en directo en la proyección de ‘Metrópolis'

The Campoamor Theatre will hold the showing on Thursday, 17 May, from 20 pm, with free entrance until the full capacity has been reached

Una exposición recoge los 50 años del Uni en los campos de fútbol

The exhibition can be visited until next Friday at the Historic Building

La Universidad de Oviedo recibe la medalla del Instituto Oftalmológico Fernández-Vega

The Rector highlights the research carried out by the entity after accepting the prize

Estudiantes de cinco universidades europeas investigan el estado ambiental de la cuenca del Narcea

The Rector, Vicente Gotor, gave this morning the certificates to the participates, who came from French, Irish and Portuguese universities.

Genueve Ediciones lanza tres nuevos títulos

The editorial committee of the Group of Universities G9 met in Santander chaired by the Rector of the University of Oviedo, Vicente Gotor

Carlos López-Otín recoge el premio México de Ciencia y Tecnología

The Mexican President, Felipe Calderón, praises the Professor of the University of Oviedo, distinguished for his research career.

La Universidad de Oviedo celebra el medio siglo de su equipo de fútbol

The program includes a retrospective exhibition about the team, friendly matches against the Real Sporting and the Real Oviedo and a fraternal meal.

La Universidad premia 20 propuestas para mejorar la vida de las personas con discapacidad

The prize- awarding, chaired by the Rector, was held at the Polytechnical School of Engineering of Gijón and counted on the companies and Asturian...

La Universidad de Oviedo celebrará el Día del Máster Universitario el 11 de mayo

The International Graduate Centre will present the Master's degree offer at each campus, according to the field of knowledge.

Un proyecto destinado a la distribución de vending gana el IV Concurso de Ideas Empresariales

Two students of Business Administration and Management win the prize with a tool which allows knowing the user's opinion with the objective of...

Los rectores rechazan la subida de tasas y piden al ministro de Educación la reunión urgente del Consejo de Universidades

The Assembly of the CRUE ratifies a document against the decree of urgent measures to rationalize public spending.

Jóvenes emprendedores de la Universidad de Oviedo presentarán sus proyectos en el IV Concurso de Ideas Empresariales

A jury and the audience will award the prizes to the best business ideas, next Friday, in a ceremony to be held in the Prince Felipe Auditorium, in...

La Universidad de Oviedo colabora con la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer

Next Thursday, 3 May, several desks will be placed at the different campuses to collaborate with the collection.

La Universidad de Oviedo se une a la celebración de la Selmana de les Lletres Asturianes con la presentación del libro 'Poesíes'

The Rector and the Deputy counsellor of Culture and Sports of the Principality of Asturias will attend the presentation ceremony of Benito de...

El Consejo de Gobierno aprueba la memoria del Campus de Excelencia Internacional

The University unanimously agrees on the modification of the List of Work Positions.

La Universidad de Oviedo y la empresa ALSA abren una nueva línea de colaboración

Both institutions have signed a framework agreement to promote grant creation for foreigner students and the support of postgraduate training.