The students of Bachelor's Degrees, Diplomas, Engineering and Technical Engineering may request the special call for an unlimited amount of...
The research concludes that a higher concentration of soil could increase in up to 7.8% the efficiency of the livestock industry of the Principality
Conferencia en Colombres sobre los vínculos lingüísticos entre España y sus antiguas colonias
25 July 2013Estará a cargo del catedrático José Antonio Martínez
Researchers from the Department of Geology analize one of the latest authorized geophysical experiments on the protected reservation of El...
Solicitud de plaza en cinco grados con límite de acceso que tienen vacantes
23 July 2013Students may enrol, between July 23-26, in the Degrees in Accounting and Finances, Business Administration and Management, Economics, Labor...
Mesa redonda sobre 'Medio ambiente: problemas, prioridades y mitos'
22 July 2013Tendrá lugar a las 13 horas en el aula 11 de la Facultad de Química
The students who have been accepted into a Degree with limited offer of places during this phase must finalize their enrolment between July 18-26....
The PUEDES program will provide around 200 grants for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, researchers and administrative staff, with stays...
Investigadores desarrollan un modelo matemático para facilitar la toma de decisiones
16 July 2013The model aims at representing mathematically the imprecise expressions used in human language. Finances, artificial intelligence or computer...
The students who have been accepted into Undergraduate Degrees with limited places must finalize their enrolment between July 11 and 16. Medicine,...
A total of 78 students of the University of Oviedo will stay in other Spanish universities for 5 or 9 months during the next academic year and will...
Cerca del 69% de los estudiantes asturianos aprueban la PAU en la convocatoria de julio
8 July 2013Students who wish to request a revision of their exams may do so before July 12. Enrolment in Undergraduate Degrees will be open until August 23.
Students may formalize their enrolment in Undergraduate Degrees via the online platform until 2:00 PM on August 30
La Universidad de Oviedo inaugura los IV Campus Científicos de Verano
1 July 2013More than a hundred youths from all the autonomous communities will participate in the program of the Asturian academic institution
Un estudio plantea nuevos modelos para optimizar la práctica deportiva y combatir el sedentarismo
1 July 2013The research, in which 3,000 youths have participated, reveals that the self-imposed motivation for physical activity increases fair play and...
Nueva convocatoria regional de ayudas predoctorales del programa Severo Ochoa
28 June 2013The period for requesting the necessary documentation that proves the admission into a PhD Program closes on July 4. Students may apply for a grant...
Conferencia del presidente de Vodafone en el Aula Magna del Edificio Histórico
28 June 2013El acto está organizado por la cátedra de Inteligencia Analítica Avanzada de la Universidad de Oviedo
A research on the condification of messages, by students of the IES Jovellanos, and another one on the bovine sector in Valdés, by students of the...
4º Congreso Internacional de Metallomics
27 June 2013El encuentro, organizado por profesores del Departamento del Química Física y Analítica se desarrollará en el Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones...
Tendrá lugar a las 17 horas en el Paraninfo del Edificio Histórico
Raquel Fernández, student of Spanish Language and its Literature, and Saúl Fernández, student of the Degree in Mathematics, have won the contest,...
The brooch is part of the limited edition that was done to commemorate the Bicentennial of the death of the enlightened politician from Gijón and...
La investigación en el campo de la robótica capta el interés de las empresas
24 June 2013Groups and teams from the University of Oviedo develop innovative devices the optimize industrial processes and which pursue an improvement in the...
The goal of the project, funded by the COST program, is to create a powerful network for research activity on String Theory developed in the main...
La CRUE rechaza el nuevo modelo que plantea el Ministerio de concesión de becas y ayudas al estudio
20 June 2013The rectors publish a report on the project of Royal Decree that modifies the criteria for the assignment of grants to students
Entrega de premios y exposición del Concurso fotográfico 'Biología en movimiento 2013'
19 June 2013El acto comenzará a las 13:00 horas en el vestíbulo del centro
Conferencia del catedrático Leandro Pardo en la Facultad de Ciencias
19 June 2013La charla está organizada por el Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y Didáctica de la Matemática
Acto de fin de carrera de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
19 June 2013La ceremonia comenzará a las a las 18:30 horas en el Auditorio Príncipe Felipe
The British Hispanist is a Professor at the Queen's College of the University of Oxford and is also the Center for Galician Studies of said...
The multidisciplinary team, coordinated by Tenured Professor Silvia Gómez Ansón, will touch upon topics like economic, social and civil rights,...
Conferencia de Susana Rivera sobre Ángel González
18 June 2013El acto comenzará a las 19:00 horas en el Edificio Histórico y la entrada será libre
La investigación en Artes y Humanidades
17 June 2013La Universidad de Oviedo mantiene como uno de sus objetivos prioritarios la difusión y proyección social de su investigación.
Solicitud de plaza en estudios de grado con límite de acceso del 17 de junio al 3 de julio
17 June 2013The pre-registration period for Degrees with limited places will be open from June 17 to July 3 at 14:00. The first list of admitted applicants...
La Universidad de Oviedo y el Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos firman un convenio de colaboración
16 June 2013The agreement will allow the professionals of the Official College of Psychologists of the Principality of Asturias to access the Repository of...
El periodo para revisar los exámenes de la PAU finaliza el 17 de junio
12 June 2013The University has registered an increase of almost 2% in the students who have passed the PAU in the June call.
Acto de graduación de la Facultad de Psicología
11 June 2013La ceremonia comenzará a las a las 19:00 horas en el Auditorio Príncipe Felipe
Una investigación liderada por la Universidad de Oviedo describe las nueve claves del envejecimiento
6 June 2013The work, published in the prestigious journal ‘Cell' and led by Carlos López-Otín, defines for the first time all the molecular indicators of...
La Universidad de Oviedo firma un convenio de colaboración con el Beijing Institute of Technology
6 June 2013The agreement will promote the international mobility of the students and includes the creation by the Asturian institution of a Department of...
Espectáculo teatral sobre Ángel González en Pola de Lena
6 June 2013La representación comenzará a las 19:00 horas con entrada libre
Presentación oferta de contratación de AZSA
6 June 2013El acto comenzará a las 11:00 horas en el Aula Magna del Edificio Histórico