Conferencia en el Departamento de Filología Española
10 September 2014La impartirá Luis Manuel Valdés Villanueva, catedrático de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia
The formation, integrated by students and graduates in Industrial Engineering and Musical History and Sciences, will participate in the...
La Universidad de Oviedo firma el primer convenio de una universidad española con el CERN
5 September 2014Both institutions sign an agreement to promote joint research in the field of Physics, Mathematics and Engineering
La Universidad abre el nuevo curso académico con una apuesta por los dobles grados y el bilingüismo
4 September 2014The Rector, Vicente Gotor, encourages the university community to continue working to improve the University in this solemn inauguration act of the...
IV Noche Lunática de la Universidad de Oviedo
4 September 2014De 20:00 a 23:30 horas en la Facultad de Ciencias
Conferencia en la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado y Educación
4 September 2014La impartirá Martin Valcke, director del Departamento de Estudios Educativos de la Universidad de Gante
Concierto final del I Certamen Musical de la Universidad de Oviedo
3 September 2014El próximo viernes, 5 de septiembre, tendrá lugar la final del I Certamen Musical de la Universidad de Oviedo en el Teatro de la Laboral, en Gijón....
La Universidad de Oviedo reabre el Colegio Mayor América tras culminar la obra de rehabilitación
2 September 2014The building offers 72 new places for accommodation for university students, although they have already been taken for the next academic year
Acto de Apertura del Curso Académico 2014-2015
2 September 2014A las 12 h en el Paraninfo del Edificio Histórico
Inauguración de la exposición 'ARENA. Un paseo por las playas de Asturias' en Avilés
2 September 2014El miércoles 3, a las 13:30, con la participación de Vicente Domínguez, vicerrector de Extensión Universitaria y Comunicación, Pilar Varela,...
Inauguración de la exposición 'ARENA. Un paseo por las playas de Asturias' en Avilés
2 September 2014A las 13:30 h en el Palacio de Valdecarzana
Final del I Certamen Musical de la Universidad de Oviedo
2 September 2014Será a las 20:30 h en el Teatro de la Laboral (Gijón), con entrada libre
The students will have to enroll online between September 1 and September 12
La Universidad de Oviedo y el SabadellHerrero entregan los diplomas a 60 universitarios en prácticas
29 August 2014The grants, completed during July and August, are part of the commitment of the University to form students in the operational areas of the enterprise
La Universidad abre un plazo de preinscripción en 21 másteres universitarios con plazas vacantes
26 August 2014The students who wish to enroll in this Postgraduate courses will have to finish their application before September 1. The lists of students...
Abierta la matrícula en másteres universitarios de la Universidad de Oviedo para el curso 2014-2015
24 August 2014Students interested in enrolling in one of the programs may complete their registration process online from August 25 to September 9. Moreover,...
Científicos de la Universidad de Oviedo contribuyen a averiguar el ritmo de la extinción neandertal
21 August 2014The journal Nature publishes a research that details the use of new scientific Carbon 14 techniques that reveal that Neanderthals went extinct...
Un dispositivo portátil permite realizar análisis y transmitir los resultados desde el móvil
20 August 2014The University of Oviedo has participated in this research, which can be applied to the field of clinical analysis, food security and environmental...
Calendario de las Jornadas de Acogida y horarios del nuevo curso
20 August 2014The activities will take place on September 3-9. The annual schedule for the 2014-2015 academic year will be published as they are posted in the...
La Universidad de Oviedo falla el I Concurso de Fotografía con el Móvil
31 July 2014The jury chooses as winners four photographs with different perspectives on university life, research, nature and the buildings of the institution
Proceso de admisión y matrícula en grados de la Universidad de Oviedo para el curso 2014-2015
30 July 2014Check the third list of students admitted into Undergraduate Degrees with limited offer and finish your enrollment between July 31 and August 19...
Un equipo internacional de investigadores analiza la evolución ambiental de la Antártida
30 July 2014The University of Oviedo participates in the HOLOANTAR project, which evaluates the effects of climate change on the frozen continent by studying...
Silvia Pérez convinced the jury in the category of Short Story and Diego Álvarez Miguel won the award for best Poem
Charla sobre Neruda, Vallejo y la Guerra Civil en Colombres
23 July 2014El viernes 25, a las 18:30 en el Archivo de Indianos, el hispanista William Rowlandson, profesor de la Universidad de Kent, ofrecerá la conferencia...
The students who have accessed a Degree with limited offer during this phase will have to finish their enrollment between July 24-29. The third...
Los estudiantes pueden consultar las notas del segundo periodo de revisiones de la PAU de julio
22 July 2014Students who have passed the examination may pre-register until July 25 in the Undergraduate Degrees with limited offer still available or enroll...
Una delegación keniata visita la Universidad de Oviedo para estrechar lazos de cooperación
21 July 2014The delegation from the county of Bungoma, in an institutional visit to Asturias, wants to establish connections with the Asturian academic...
El G-9 alerta sobre la dificultad para retener a profesores e investigadores jóvenes
21 July 2014Julio Lafuente, Rector of the Public University of Navarra, assumes the presidency of the entity, which represents 20% of the Spanish university...
La Universidad abre el periodo de preinscripción para alumnos que aprobaron la PAU en julio
21 July 2014The students who wish to access Degrees with limited offer will have to do so between July 21-25
The genome of the common titi adds a new vision on body-sized and multiple-birth genetics. The Nature Genetics journal publishes the international...
La empresa AZSA oferta contratos en prácticas para recién graduados de la Universidad de Oviedo
18 July 2014More than one hundred people attended today the presentation of the enterprise at the Main Hall
La Universidad publica la primera lista de alumnos admitidos en grados con límite de plazas
16 July 2014Students who have accessed one of these Degrees will have to complete their enrollment between July 17-22
La Universidad y el Principado ponen en marcha una Cátedra sobre prevención de riesgos laborales
16 July 2014The Rector and the councilor of Economics and Employment sign the collaboration agreement that will allow the University to develop formative and...
Los estudiantes pueden consultar el resultado de la revisión de calificaciones de la PAU de julio
16 July 2014Los alumnos tendrán de plazo los días 17, 18 y 19 de julio para reclamar sobre doble corrección del primer periodo de revisionesStudents will be...
Teams from seven autonomous communities competed in the final phase, which took place at the University of Granada
La Universidad de Oviedo renueva la acreditación de cuatro títulos universitarios adaptados al EEES
15 July 2014The Degrees in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics; Spanish as a Foreign Language, and History and Sociocultural Analysis, of the...
The work of a team from the University of Oviedo proves the good air quality in the so-called passive houses, whose energy consumption is basically...