

El Consejo Social aprueba el presupuesto de la Universidad y el Grado en Ingeniería Civil

The body has given its approval to the university master's degrees catalogue as well as the academic calendar for next year.

Jornada 'La inclusión de la bicicleta en la movilidad urbana y universitaria'

Chechu Rubiera, former cyclist, will take part in one round table offering practical advises in urban cycling.

El Campus de Excelencia Internacional logra el respaldo unánime de la Comisión de Seguimiento

The University of Oviedo has presented the 2010's report of the CIE and the proposals for 2011.

Enrique Moreno asegura que el mayor problema de la cirugía pancreática es el diagnóstico tardío

The winner of the Príncipe de Asturias prize offered a conference within the cycle of lectures organized by the Campus of International Excellence.