

Inauguración del X Foro de Empleo de la Universidad de Oviedo: encuentro de los estudiantes con el mundo laboral

The rector has stressed the consolidation of this event in its 10th edition and its potential as a door to achieve a first job.

Rectorado y estudiantes acuerdan las primeras medidas para mejorar la implantación del ‘Plan Bolonia'

The rector has promised the deans and representatives of students that the problems which are affecting some centres will be solved through the...

El rector nombra a Luis Rodríguez Muñiz vicerrector de Estudiantes y Empleo

The previous head of the Department of Counselling and Access has replaced Susana López Ares

La Universidad rinde homenaje a Rafael Altamira, cofundador de la Extensión Universitaria

Conference and concert to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the lawyer's death.