

Treinta estudiantes de bachillerato inician el Campus Científico de Verano ‘Ad Futurum'

The University of Oviedo has inaugurated the second turn of this summer initiative which is trying to boost young people's interest in science,...

Participación de la Universidad de Oviedo en un seminario del G-9 en Etiopía, sobre salud, derechos sexuales y género

Apart from the G-9 representatives, there also were representatives from the universities of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Ethiopia.

La Universidad de Oviedo logra dos de los diez nuevos Másteres Erasmus Mundus aprobados por la Unión Europea

The academic institution will be international coordinator of two programmes for the first time. Emergency Nursing and Critical Care and...

Elaboración de los presupuestos de la Universidad de Oviedo para el año 2012

A resolution dated on the 17th of June 2011, taken by the University of Oviedo's rector, in which the regulations to elaborate this University's...