

La Sede Electrónica de la Universidad de Oviedo incorpora nuevas utilidades de firma y validación

The timestamp validator and the client electronic signature join other verification tools.

El rector de la Universidad de Oviedo, Vicente Gotor, nuevo presidente semestral del G-9 de Universidades

According to the Statutes of the G-9, a rotary presidency of six months is established among the 9 vice-chancellors making up the Group.

Investidura como Doctor Honoris Causa de José Cosmen Adelaida

The ceremony will be held next Friday, 13th January, at 12 a.m, at the Library of the University of Oviedo.

Funeral por Antonio Cueto, decano de Medicina

Hundreds of people from the university and health world said the definitive farewell to the Dean at the University Chapel.