La Universidad crea una plataforma digital para la consulta y descarga de sus revistas científicas
7 February 2012REUNIDO is an electronic portal which makes all the issues of Archivum, which have been scattered and hardly accessible so far, available to the...
La Universidad impulsa el proyecto ‘Vivir Europa' para llegar a 500 alumnos de Secundaria y FP
7 February 2012The objective is to provide students with the opportunities offered by the European Union in various fields.
The Sustainable Transportation and Electric Powers System program offers 20 places and the Master's Degree on Emergency Nursing and Critical Care...
La Universidad de Oviedo edita el concierto homenaje del Xixón Sound a Leonard Cohen
1 February 2012The presentation will take place on Thursday, 2nd February, at 19.30 p.m, at the Severo Ochoa Classroom of the Cultural Centre Laudeo (Historic...