

Análisis de la atención a la diversidad funcional en las Jornadas Universidad y Discapacidad

They will present attention programs to disability at the University of Oviedo and analyse the main goals in the social inclusion of disabled people.

La Universidad de Oviedo selecciona al equipo de estudiantes que competirá en la Liga de Debate Interuniversitario

Five young people will represent the Asturian institution in the final of this event organised by the G9 and which will be celebrated on the 1st...

Día de la Divulgación Tecnológica en la Escuela Politécnica de Ingeniería de Gijón

The session is dedicated to scientist Alan Turing, who will bring more than 200 seconday school and high school students from the region together...

La Universidad edita un manual para facilitar la gestión de trámites a los estudiantes

The guide clarifies the requirements and the places where students have to deal with matters such as registrations, pre-registrations, certificates...