

Vicente Gotor, reelegido Rector de la Universidad de Oviedo con el 66,52% de los votos

The Professor of Organic Chemistry wins the Rectorship Election after defeating candidate Paz Andrés in all university sectors

La Escuela de Minas divulga sus saberes en el XXIII Certamen de Minerales, Gemas y Fósiles

The activities of the encounter, which will take place on 16 and 18 March, focus on the gold panning competition and the different exhibitions.

La Universidad de Oviedo obtiene el primer y el segundo premio del Congreso Nacional de Pediatría para Estudiantes

The team defended two presentations: a first one on a program to reduce students' alcohol consumption and the other on the comparive study of that...

La Universidad de Oviedo se suma al manifiesto del Día Internacional de la Mujer

33 Spanish public universities present this joint initiative, which demands real equality between men and women