

Abierto el plazo de preinscripción para los aprobados en la PAU de julio

It has just been opened in the studies of Speech Therapy, Infant Teaching Education and Primary Teaching Education.

El Ministerio de Educación destaca el 'fuerte impacto regional' del Campus de Excelencia Internacional Asturias-Ad Futurum

The Monitoring Report made by a team of auditors has appreciated positively the actions performed in the campus and it has pointed out that 'the...

El Máster de Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género (GEMMA) renueva su Erasmus Mundus

In this programme, whose closure was held this week, eight European universities from seven different countries collaborate.

La Universidad de Oviedo abre un período extraordinario de preinscripciones para los másteres universitarios

The new deadline to send applications will last for the 27th of July to the 29th of August, 2011.