

La Universidad de Oviedo fondea la primera boya oceanográfica de la Estación Experimental Off Shore

It will collect real-time measurement in meteorology, air and water quality, directional currents and waves and aquaculture

La Universidad de Oviedo lidera una investigación que desvela las claves del éxito evolutivo de las medusas

The study, which has been published on the prestigious 'Science' magazine, has proved that these organisms compete with fished on equal footing...

La Universidad de Oviedo inicia el programa de acompañamiento a la inserción laboral y autoempleo

The pre-registration period will start on the 12th of September, 2011

La Universidad de Oviedo inaugura el nuevo curso del ecuador de Bolonia y el bilingüismo

The rector, Vicente Gotor, made some revision about the main actions carried out in his more than three years in office and he also detailed future...