

La Universidad de Oviedo inaugura una exposición sobre el olimpismo

The exhibition, which highlights the participation of Asturias in the history of modern Olympics, shows belongings of some of the most distiguished...

La Universidad de Oviedo será la coordinadora internacional del Máster Erasmus Mundus en Salud Pública en Desastres

This degree, which is to be introduced in the 2013-2014 academic year, is a collaboration with the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm and the...

La Universidad refuerza su presencia en Avilés y amplía su oferta de idiomas

The Rector and the Mayoress presented the new academic year of the University Program for Mature People PUMUO

El Centro Asturiano de México acerca a jóvenes descendientes de asturianos a la Universidad de Oviedo

The visit is part of the cultural and educational program 'Así es Asturias'