La Universidad y el Ayuntamiento de Oviedo desarrollarán proyectos culturales y educativos conjuntos
11 September 2012The Rector and the Mayor sign a framework collaboration agreement between both institutions
10 September 2012
The ranking, promoted by the Prince of Asturias Award for Research, tries to assess the impact of the web on the economy, society and development...
10 September 2012
Maestros, stage managers, singers and university lecturers will discuss each piece for this season in a cycle of encounters at LAUDEO's Cultural...
Recepción a estudiantes chinos que cursarán este año en la Universidad de Oviedo
6 September 2012Los primeros 26 alumnos que llegan a Asturias desde la provincia china de Shandong, fruto de los convenios firmados con las universidades de Weihai...