The number two in the American diplimacy in our country announced the donation of The Library of America collection to the University
Ladislao Azcona toma posesión como presidente del Consejo Social de la Universidad de Oviedo
25 September 2012The Asturian journalist takes office with the challenge of achieving ' a more intense, creative relationship with companies'
Profesores de cuatro universidades serbias visitan Oviedo en el marco de un programa TEMPUS
25 September 2012The lecturers will analyse the curriculum of a degree and a Master's Degree taught at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
30 investigadores inician una nueva campaña de exploración del Cañón de Avilés
24 September 2012The scientists from the University of Oviedo, the Fishery Research Centre of the Principality of Asturias, the University of Barcelona and the CSIC...