

Funeral por Antonio Cueto, decano de Medicina

Hundreds of people from the university and health world said the definitive farewell to the Dean at the University Chapel.

Aprobado el presupuesto de la Universidad de Oviedo

The University Governing Council has approved the Budget for 2012, which amounts to 211.5 million euros.

Convocada la segunda edición del Concurso Literario Universidad de Oviedo

Students registered in the University in the current academic year can submit their works in the form of a short tale or a poem.

La Universidad de Oviedo inaugura la Sala Augusto Monterroso para exhibir el legado del escritor

The collection, which was bequeathed by Prince of Asturias Award's widow in 2008 and catalogued by a committee of experts, includes more than 9,000...