

Alumnas de las universidades de La Rioja y Navarra ganan el concurso de pósteres de las I Jornadas Doctorales del G-9

The works awarded by the jury and the PhD students themselves capture researches in the field of Agrofood

La investigación para hallar el Bosón de Higgs logra el prestigioso Premio Especial de Física Fundamental

The group of Experimental High Energy Physics of the University of Oviedo has collaborated for more than 20 years with the experiments conducted by...

La Universidad de Oviedo acoge las I Jornadas doctorales del Grupo G-9

The encounter aims to boost the relationship between PhD students and companies to offer a career opportunity to the innovative labour of scientists

La Universidad de Oviedo reúne a expertos internacionales en bandas sonoras

Lecturers from Spanish and foreign universities will deal with the composition process and the aesthetics of music in cinema, advertising,...