

El Ministerio de Educación elimina la convocatoria de las becas Séneca para el próximo curso

The CRUE will still offer the SICUE mobility program, even though students will not receive any sate financial aid

La Universidad de Oviedo celebra la festividad académica de Santo Tomás de Aquino

The Assembly Hall hosted this event, where the Extraordinary Final Degree and PhD Awards were awarded

Estudiantes de 114 países solicitan una plaza en la Universidad de Oviedo para cursar un máster Erasmus Mundus

The three programs coordinated by the academic institution have received more than 2.000 applications for 75 places available

La Universidad de Oviedo reúne a expertos en tutela judicial en el ámbito tributario

Supreme Court judge José Antonio Montero has been in charge of the opening ceremony at the Historical Building